It is our privilege to walk with you on your path towards health and healing.

Family Matters Social Work Services strives to provide a wide array of the highest quality clinical and forensic services to individuals, families and children. While we focus on working with individuals, we believe that families matter. They come with highs and lows, triumphs and traumas. Whether it’s the family you were born into, the one you married into, or the one you chose, we all want and need the support and encouragement of others.

As social workers, we believe that a person’s environment, along with their experiences, will help shape the way they view the world, how they think, and why they respond the way they do. At Family Matters we help individuals, couples and families facing a variety of struggles. We have worked with hundreds of people facing a wide spectrum of mental health issues and life challenges. We are here to offer you the support that you need on your journey towards a more fulfilling life.


Why choose Family Matters Social Work Services?

We bring the support to you. If the global pandemic has taught us anything, it is that feeling isolated, and without access to quality care and support is a real problem for many people. As board certified telehealth professionals, we are able to provide services to you in the comfort of your own home through a HIPPA compliant video conferencing platform. We understand that finding and choosing a therapist is not an easy task, and commend you for taking this first step.

virtual mental health

From the Founder & Executive Director

Ann's short bio intro here..."I am so pleased that you're here."

Want to know how we will work together and how you can get started? Find out here.

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